How to franchise your Business?
Chek out How to franchise your Business
What makes us unique is to do a franchise project, and it is our personal and exclusive approach to each client. We do not believe in copy/paste type services and want to tailor every aspect of our work to your specific needs. We want to have a deep understanding of your strengths to showcase them to your clients and the world.

You built your business with dedication, hard work, learning – specially from mistakes to avoid – a business that you are proud of and are evaluating the next step to growth it. Is Franchising a good way to expand your successful business? Franchising is a great way to grow a business for some entrepreneurs but not for others.

“Franchising is a form of business by which the owner (franchisor) of a product, service or method obtains distribution through affiliated dealers (franchisees). The business model is based in a continuing relationship in which a franchisor provides a licensed privilege to the franchisee to do business and offers assistance in organizing, training, merchandising, marketing and managing in return for a monetary consideration”, according to Entrepreneur®.

Global Franchise consultants are experts in distribution channels and licensing systems. But, before deciding whether to go or not to franchising, write down a briefing of your business for your own evaluation.

Also, take in consideration the following Pros and Cons
Because of federal and state laws and regulations related to franchising and business opportunities, franchising a business involves considerable legal groundwork. This is critical, because following the letter of the law also lays the foundation for strong relationships between franchisors and franchisees. Experts advise hiring an attorney experienced in franchise law prior to starting the paperwork.
Our mission
Our mission is to turn successful businesses into national networks and national networks into worldwide networks.
International Franchise Association
Small Business Administration
The American Association of Franchisees and Dealers

Our Units

Global Franchise Network – USA
  • 66 W Flager Street – 9th Floor, FL 33130 USA
Global Franchise Network – BRAZIL
  • Rua Alvorada, 1289 – cj 1603/4 – São Paulo SP 04550-004 – Brazil
Global Franchise Network – EURASIA
  • Address(Ruth) 60 Rue François Ler 75008 France